
Monday, December 30, 2013


Well, Merry Christmas!  The other night I jumped up to sleep in my new bed and it flipped over!

There's a guy here who is kind of helpful.  He had some loud thing he used to fix it so now it won't flip me over.  That is why I let him stay here in this house.  He does some helpful things sometimes, but on the other hand he does make me take my medicine.  Sometimes I can trick him and spit it out but then he just makes me take it again.

Here it is though, this is what I was talking about with sleeping:

I don't know why people don't sleep like this, it is the best way, especially if you can flip on your back like this.  You definitely have to have your head inverted to get a good sleep, otherwise it's just a cat nap.  There is nothing like some cat nip and a good cat nap but this is the way to sleep.  Its hard to get a good sleep around here because some of the beds are alive.  

If you lay on the beds and sleep long enough the bed starts moving.  When that happens I need to grab it and bite it so I can survive but once I did that and I got knocked right off the bed!  So far this has not happened with my new bed yet.  I think it is some kind of special bed for cats.  I'm going to go try putting my head upside down on it. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas

There is this weird thing people do I think it happened once before.  They bring a tree inside the house.  (I'm not kidding.)  Then they put lights on the tree and they hang things all over it and one day there are all kids of boxes under the tree.  

This time I got some thing too and it's great for sleeping, check it out:

Which brings up a whole different thing for me.  What is it with people who have these little beds that they put their heads on when they sleep.  I don't need an extra bed for my head.  I just love to sleep and sleeping is great.  It's a great time to pee.  There is sleep and then there is really great sleep.  That is when you lay down and you invert your head.  People never do that either!  I don't know what is wrong with them.  If you want a tree, go outside and if you want to sleep just flip your head upside-down and go to sleep.  

I don't have all these crazy sleeping devices that people use.  They even found boxes under their inside tree that have blankets in them and the blankets connect to the wall.  It is really weird if you ask me, but if you see one of these you need to try it (they are really warm).  Just don't pee on a blanket that connects to the wall, trust me.  
I'm going back to sleep. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Cellar is no place for a cat

I tried all day to practice my new found musical talents but I could not get the big white door to open that lets me out of the room under the house with the dirt floor.  Eventually I heard some foot steps and I meowed a lot and that seemed to get the door to open.  Some doors don't just open when you stare at them; you have to also meow.  I'm really interested in going outside and when I'm outside I want to go in, do you know the feeling?

People like it when you make sounds.  Just staring at the door that covers the food only opens it sometimes.  At night I always stare at it and then make a noise.  Sometimes though one of the little people will wake someone up and bring them down stairs and I don't need to make the noise.  I also find making noise while running through a doorway is fun.

Today I made sure to get out through that big white door before it closed and I was down below all day.  The cellar is no place for a cat.  I keep going down there though.  This is how I ended up in all this trouble - going places I don't belong.  That is how I broke my tail.  I was able to make it back home after that and fourtunately these people were smart enought to take me to a vet.  It's really a doctor and they have some of them who were never even in the military so I don't get it, but the Vet helped me fix my bladder and now I can pee by myself again (what a relief).  Those people squeezing the pee out of me was annoying.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Wow it is already, what are they calling it?, ... Wednesday.  I can't believe how long it's been.  Everyday I'm thinking that I need to post a new blog entry.  I've found this new thing and I've become obsessed with it and it's not even something to pee on.  Check it out, I saw some people doing this on the tv so now I'm trying:

I'm really good at it but I'm afraid I may break a string with my claws.  I definitely don't need to worry about getting a pick.  Now if I can lay down some vocals I could have something going on here.  This is my true calling, not the blog!  I will be a great musical personality and they will call me catulele.

Friday, December 13, 2013

TGI... meow?

Look, I am a cat, see.

I tried a bunch of times to get this picture.  My paws kept getting in the way, so I had to figure out the self timer on this camera.  I attacked the camera a few times because it kept shooting a light in my eye.  It is afraid of me now.  I kicked it under the desk and it won't come back out.

TGIF, right?  Oh who am I kidding, I just take naps all day every day, but good for you guys it's Friday.  I'm going to have some catnip and go sleep on a blanket.  Ugh, two people are still here, they are really making nap time difficult.  Whose house do they think this is anyway.  I need to get plenty of rest so I can make sure to be up at night.  Night is the  best time to kick noisy things around the house, just you people wait.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I see all these 'selfie' pictures.  I need to find out how to make one.  The mirrors are so high up.
This is my food:

I can pick from two foods every day!  I still miss digging in the sewer for something to eat though.  After this I had to clean up, the camera fell in the bowl.  I hope I got all the turkey out.  I hate the water here, inside the water is so clear.  Now they put some of these hard round things from the dirt in there and I love it:

I love rocks and dirt.  I was outside  one time and got a bad break on my tail.  Now they don't let me out any more.  They let me go on the porch.  But I am getting better, now I can pee all by myself!  I just pee everywhere now!  Tomorrow I will try a "Selfie".

once I peed on a barbie.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Things I like

I really like that there are birds on my blog, more cats would blog if they knew they could get a bird theme.  I can never seem to reach those things.  I like birds  but they are too high up.  Once a big one came down and grabbed me.  I had to stick my claws into his face.

I like to move quietly through the day and then save my loudest sounds for when it is dark out and the house is very quiet.  The people go upstairs and all take a long nap so I wake them up with meowing or just kicking toys around.

Today I was staring at the door again and I stared at it long enough for someone to come open it, this is how I get to the porch.  When I am going onto the porch I always take my time and then pause when I am half way through the open door but when I am on the porch and the door opens I always run through as fast as I can.  I'm working on the porch exit world speed record.  While on the porch i like to try and distribute my litter evenly throughout the area, especially those big brown pieces of litter.

I love digging in my litter but I am expanding.  Now I like to dig everywhere.  The cellar floor is dirt and that is the best, but I'm still having trouble digging the other floors but I'm going to do it one day.

Mostly I like to sleep and eat but I only like to eat the food that is not in my bowl.  I have to get that kind by staring at the cabinet.

I am going to sleep now.  I do not have time to tell you everything I like.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

your welcome

I want to see if other cats are out there and maybe they read words.  I hope no one notices the paw marks on these buttons, but who cares they think I am awesome here.  I just leave crap all over and pee on things but they give me more food.  I want to hide my poo but I cannot dig these hard white squares on the floor in the food room.  I live on Acre Street, at least that is what they call it.  They make me take medicine and they give me food.  Oh and there are some really soft things to sleep and pee on here.

They need to step it up because this crunchy food is not as nice as the food from those round silver containers that make a noise when they open them.  I had meat from a bird once and it smelled really good so I did not eat it for two days.  It got fuzzy but then I ate it and it came back up on the floor.  I like the porch.  I will see how to use this to make a picture and show you.  Maybe you know me and you know how to open this place to get out.  It is scary out side but I want to go.