
Friday, December 13, 2013

TGI... meow?

Look, I am a cat, see.

I tried a bunch of times to get this picture.  My paws kept getting in the way, so I had to figure out the self timer on this camera.  I attacked the camera a few times because it kept shooting a light in my eye.  It is afraid of me now.  I kicked it under the desk and it won't come back out.

TGIF, right?  Oh who am I kidding, I just take naps all day every day, but good for you guys it's Friday.  I'm going to have some catnip and go sleep on a blanket.  Ugh, two people are still here, they are really making nap time difficult.  Whose house do they think this is anyway.  I need to get plenty of rest so I can make sure to be up at night.  Night is the  best time to kick noisy things around the house, just you people wait.

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