
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Things I like

I really like that there are birds on my blog, more cats would blog if they knew they could get a bird theme.  I can never seem to reach those things.  I like birds  but they are too high up.  Once a big one came down and grabbed me.  I had to stick my claws into his face.

I like to move quietly through the day and then save my loudest sounds for when it is dark out and the house is very quiet.  The people go upstairs and all take a long nap so I wake them up with meowing or just kicking toys around.

Today I was staring at the door again and I stared at it long enough for someone to come open it, this is how I get to the porch.  When I am going onto the porch I always take my time and then pause when I am half way through the open door but when I am on the porch and the door opens I always run through as fast as I can.  I'm working on the porch exit world speed record.  While on the porch i like to try and distribute my litter evenly throughout the area, especially those big brown pieces of litter.

I love digging in my litter but I am expanding.  Now I like to dig everywhere.  The cellar floor is dirt and that is the best, but I'm still having trouble digging the other floors but I'm going to do it one day.

Mostly I like to sleep and eat but I only like to eat the food that is not in my bowl.  I have to get that kind by staring at the cabinet.

I am going to sleep now.  I do not have time to tell you everything I like.

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